Our logo, a group of little fish chasing off a big fish, symbolizes the work we do every day in Nashville: bringing the “little folks” together to accomplish big things we could never do alone. We know that the big fish - greedy bosses who don’t pay workers, construction contractors that make Nashville’s work sites the most hazardous ones in the South, and out of town city leaders who cater to special interests and not for the people - have money and political power. But we have a strong and resilient community that’s not afraid to stand up for dignity and equality.

There's a role for everyone in building the movement that Nashville needs. You can volunteer with us, and if you are able, become a grassroots donor. Our members pay monthly dues to be part of Workers' Dignity, and we hope our community supporters will consider doing the same! When we have a reliable base of support we can count on every month, we can make long-term plans for building people power. By pooling our financial resources together, we can create sustainable change and win dignity for all!

