Super 8 Pays, Will Sheraton do the Same?

Super 8 Pays Froylan!
Over 100 community members demonstrate in front of Super 8 
After two direct actions in front of Super 8 led by Froylan and his wife Lana, Super 8 management decided to pay. After several attempts to speak with management and no resolutions, Froylan decided that direct action is the way to go and over 100 members of the community supported including Jobs with Justice, Vanderbilt Students of Non Violence, United Campus Workers and others.What a great birthday surprise for Froylan and Lana’s new daughter who was born just a few days before the September 27th action.
Sheraton Workers Demand Wages!
Over 30 workers not paid, announce march in front of hotel Saturday October 18th
Workers Dignity member, and former Sheraton worker  Neptali says “we worked for Sheraton and Its a big company and I don’t understand why they don’t want to pay us.”   Neptali, along with over 30 workers were not paid for work completed at Sheraton Downtown Nashville.  The team of workers have communicated with Sheraton management and requested a meeting with management, but management refused to meet.  On Thursday October 2nd the workers decided to request community support at a rally to demand their wages on Saturday October 18th at 10am in front of Sheraton.

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